Friday, November 16, 2007

Overdue Entry

When I started this blog, I intended to make daily, or at least weekly, entries about life in International Falls, Minnesota. I received an electronic notice today that reminded me to stay active or lose the web-space. Here I am, preserving my space.

The other significant event of the day, which merits publication any day of the year, is that I met the son of our Court Report. Matthew Iffert is currently training in the U.S. Army to a battlefield medic specialist. Matt has been in training for several months now and must undergo further training at Fort Benning, Georgia. After that, Matt will be deployed to Iraq, or wherever our armed services may need him. With that, I must offer a heartfelt thank you to Matt, and all other military personnel, for the service they provide our country. With out the security of our armed services our Country may not be the best place to live.