Monday, August 13, 2007

Swimming in the Artic

Yesterday was spent enjoying a beautiful, sunny day in the great green north. You don't think that snow lays on the ground all year long here, do you? Anyways, with the temperature exceeding eighty degrees, I decided it was time for my annual swim in Rainy Lake. My wife, dog and I hopped in the car and drove to City Beach, which is located in Rainier, Minnesota. Rainier is about two miles to the east of International Falls, and may be considered the illegitimate suburb of the Falls.

The best way to describe the temperature of the water is as follows: the ice water surrounding a keg of beer. Just kidding! Actually, the water gets up to approximately 65 degrees. It is very chilly when first wading in. Eventually, one gets to a point when the inevitable occurs. You realize the only way to adjust to the pleasantly cool water is to take the plunge and submerge the entire body underwater. After holding your body the water for about 30 seconds with only your head exposed above the water you begin adjusting. The most difficult aspect is waiting for your breathing to be normal again. My breathing become much shallower than normal.

But, it was a great day for it. I ended up spending about an hour in the water before every one decided to head home for the day.

1 comment:

Simon said...

Sounds like you had a great time.