Friday, September 5, 2008

Summer has come and gone!

A lot has happened since my last entry!

My wife and I have had a baby girl together, who is now five months old. Her name is Meghann and she was baptized in July.
I have traveled to Las Vegas for my annual excursion.
I have celebrated my 3rd wedding anniversary and reached 28 years old age.
The Twins are miraculously still in the hunt for another Central Division title and ticket to October baseball.

So much to write, yet so little time. More updates shall be forthcoming!
For now, check out a few of the articles I have posted on!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Experience of a Life Time

Last night I had the pleasure of being a part of the biggest show in town. I served as linesman for the boys varsity hockey game between the International Falls Broncos and the Fort Frances Muskies. The referees for the game were Bill Mason and Chad Shikowsky. The Broncos are one of the top ranked teams in Class A High School Hockey in the State of Minnesota. The only loss the Broncos have suffered this season was at the hands of the Muskies back on December 21, 2007.

I have never officiated in front of such a large crowd before. My estimate would be that over 1500 people showed up for the game. There was not a seat to be spared and the glass was lined with fans for boths sides. It was very difficult to communicate with others because of the noise level. But it was the neatest thing to experience. The crowd would react to every play on the ice. After the Broncos scored the first goal of the game, two frozen muskies were hurled onto the ice. This was the first time I have been required to assist with debris clean up other than hats.

The final score of the game was 7-1 in favor of the Broncos. However, I received a great feeling about a job well done with my officiating partners. The game was fast paced, hard hitting and emotional. It was a great reminder about why I became an official in the game of hockey.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

A New Year

Here is it a new year and I haven't blogged once until now. I candidly admit that I did not make a resolution to be more faithful to my blog by updating it on a regular schedule. The resolution would have been broken by now.

When I am not busy working, reffing hockey, studying for the Minnesota bar exam, or spending time with Caryn and Kodiak, I enjoy playing poker. I play Texas Hold'em and Omaha Hi/Lo on Full Tilt Poker. Nothing high stakes, but just enough to keep my skills together for my annual trip to Las Vegas.

Well, I have been playing online poker at Full Tilt long enough to where I accumulated a significant amount of frequent player points. I chose to redeem most of those points for the custom baseball jersey seen in these pictures. I don't know what the jersey will suggest to other people. My hope is that it will instill a sense of intimidation in others when I am seen wearing it at the poker table.